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Premium Audit

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What a Travelers Premium Audit means to your business

Premium Audit improvements

We continually strive to enhance your Premium Audit experience.

What is a Premium Audit?

A Premium Audit is a periodic review by Travelers to make sure the estimated premium established at the beginning of your policy period accurately reflects any changes in business operations that may have occurred since the policy was issued. 

  • Your premium is estimated based on information provided by you or your agent prior to the start of your policy term. 

  • Your business may change during the policy year. 

  • Travelers needs to confirm that your premium accurately reflects the state of your business over the policy term. 

  • Comparing the original payroll estimate against your actual payroll and business operations determines if a premium adjustment is needed. 

Why is a Premium Audit required?

State regulations require Travelers to conduct Premium Audits of all workers compensation policies. 

Your participation is essential to calculate and confirm your final premium and may prevent unnecessaryaudit noncompliancecharges. 

Please see "How to prepare for your audit" for helpful recordkeeping tips or visit the Premium AuditFAQs page. 

Access your Premium Audit

Register with Premium Audit 

First time accessing your audit?

Have your invitation letter available to register. 

Returning to your audit? 

Log in with your username and password previously created. 

How to prepare for your audit

Preparing for your audit is as simple as keeping proper records and documentation throughout your policy period. 

Helpful tips to prepare for your Premium Audit

What you can expect in the audit process

The way that a Premium Audit is completed is determined based on premium size, type of operation and state requirements. 

Contact Travelers Premium Audit

Find the best way to get in touch with Premium Audit customer service representatives.