Help protect your nonprofit with these insights
Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
6 Considerations Before Joining a Nonprofit Board
Thinking about joining a nonprofit board? Here are some questions from Travelers to consider to help protect your personal assets.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
5 Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas
Looking for nonprofit fundraising ideas? Here are five tips to get you started.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
Protecting Your Nonprofit from Crime
Employee crime can be devastating for a nonprofit without the proper coverage. Read these steps from Travelers to help protect your nonprofit organization from employee crime.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
Is Your Nonprofit's Mission Protected?
Learn about protecting your nonprofit organization from potential risks and how to help ensure that your nonprofit is Mission: Protected.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
5 Tips for Hiring Nonprofit Staff
Hiring staff for your nonprofit is important and challenging. Here are five tips that may help.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
Is Your Nonprofit Prepared for a Data Breach?
A data breach could put a nonprofit's mission, and reputation, at risk. Understand your potential risks and get tips for preparing for the unexpected with these tips from Travelers.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
5 Tips for Recruiting Nonprofit Board Members
Recruiting nonprofit board members is challenging. Get recruitment ideas for filling those seats.

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit Pressure Test
Learn where your nonprofit organization may be vulnerable and ways to help combat risk. Take our 18-step questionnaire to find out.

Nonprofit Pressure Test
Learn where your nonprofit organization may be vulnerable and ways to help combat risk. Take our 18-step questionnaire to find out.
Related products
Management and professional liability
Policies that fit your unique responsibilities and exposures – whether you’re a private, public, nonprofit or financial institution.
Nonprofit directors & officers
Protect your organization's mission and your board members' personal assets.
We understand the complexity of cyber threats and have cyber liability insurance solutions to help protect your business assets.