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Workplace Safety Resources

A yellow plastic CAUTION WET FLOOR sign.

Create a culture of safety in your workplace

Workplace Safety Resources

Ergonomics: A Key Component of Workplace Safety

Integrating ergonomics into manufacturing workplaces helps prevent employee injuries and costly workers comp claims.

Engineer performing quality check on equipment at production line

Workplace Safety Resources

How Good Workplace Mental Health Helps Improve Injury Recovery Rates

Discover the powerful link between mental well-being and faster, more complete recovery from workplace injuries.

Injured worker with hand wraps using a laptop.

Workplace Safety Resources

How to Improve Employee Health, Wellness and Well-Being

Looking for some tangible steps to improve employee health, wellness and well-being? Learn more about wellness initiatives and how to engage employees.

woman wearing a mask and sitting in a waiting room

Workplace Safety Resources

5 Considerations After Extending a Conditional Job Offer

Thinking about these five considerations for after a conditional job offer can help the hiring process. Learn more in our post-offer employment requirement infographic.

A professional working in front of the laptop.

Workplace Safety Resources

Help Workers Stay Warm in Severe Cold Weather

Learning how to treat frostbite and hypothermia symptoms is vital if you spend time outside in the cold. Read this winter weather safety information from Travelers.

Workers discussing in Cold weather

Workplace Safety Resources

Building a Better Workplace

An exclusive Travelers discussion about how to create a safer, healthier and more engaging workplace and insights about the future of workforce well-being.

Travelers logo

Workplace Safety Resources

Using Data to Better Understand and Manage Risk in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Learn how to harness the power of data to understand and minimize threats and exposures and connect employee well-being with business success.

Two employees walking in a warehouse, having a discussion.

Workplace Safety Resources

Is Distracted Walking on the Job a Hazard?

Distracted walking incidents have been on the rise in recent years. Create a distracted walking policy with distracted walking safety tips from Travelers.

Man walking on a busy sidewalk and distracted looking at phone and listening to music.

Workplace Safety Resources

How New Employee Onboarding Can Promote Safety

Help promote safety by incorporating these practices into your onboarding process. Learn more in this employee onboarding infographic.

New employee onboarding

Workplace Safety Resources

Helping Employers Manage a Safer Workforce

Travelers Workforce Advantage® can help businesses promote employee health and safety. Learn more about Workforce Advantage.

Employer talking to a doctor about safety while walking down the hall of a medical facility.

Workplace Safety Resources

7 Tips for Smart, Data-Driven Risk Management in the Age of Workforce Transformation

Discover seven tips for smart, data-driven risk management in the age of workforce transformation, including insights on employee well-being and business success.

Warehouse employees wearing hardhats holding clipboard

Workplace Safety Resources

Guide to Ergonomics in the Workplace

Effective workplace ergonomics can help reduce employee injuries. Read these tips on office ergonomics planning.

A woman sitting at a desk in an office, typing on a keyboard.

Workplace Safety Resources

Tips for Managing a Remote Workforce

With the employment landscape changing to more remote work, mitigating risks can be difficult. Learn more about tips for managing a remote workforce.

Woman working remotely talking on the phone and pointing to laptop screen.

Workplace Safety Resources

The Workforce Pressure Test

The Workforce Pressure Test can help determine if you are doing enough to help ensure your employees are skilled, safe and resilient.

The workforce pressure test manufacturing.

Workplace Safety Resources

The Wearables Revolution Meets Safety

Wearables can offer valuable benefits to employees who wear them and the employers who adopt this technology.

Employee at work wearing smart watch.

Workplace Safety Resources

Tips for Creating a Safety Management Program

A safety management program can help keep workers safe and may help lower workers comp costs. Follow these eight components of a safety management program from Travelers.

Safety management program.

Workplace Safety Resources

The Travelers Injury Impact Report

Travelers knows firsthand that injuries can occur in any business, regardless of industry or size. Learn more in the Travelers Injury Impact Report.

injury impact report.

Workplace Safety Resources

How to Prepare Your Business This Holiday Season

Holidays can bring added risk to your business with more foot traffic, seasonal decorations and new staff. Make sure your employees are prepared to keep your store safe and hazard-free.

snowman ornament on a tree in a business during holiday season

Workplace Safety Resources

Creating a Safety and Wellness Culture in Your Company

A process for employee engagement and support that focuses on safety and wellness can help with job retention and help promote wellness. Get engagement and support tips from Travelers to help create a safety and wellness program.

Manager teaching employees about safety and wellness.

Workplace Safety Resources

How to Onboard and Train Employees into a Safety Culture

Continuous onboarding and training of employees can help overall retention. Create an employee onboarding and training plan with these tips from Travelers.

Manager onboards new manufacturing employee promoting safety.

Workplace Safety Resources

Tips to Help Prevent Eyestrain During Computer Use

When viewing digital screens for extended periods, it’s not uncommon for employees to experience eye discomfort or vision problems.

woman sitting at a desk working on a laptop computer.

Workplace Safety Resources

Safety and the Changing Nature of Work for Remote Employees

An increased number of remote workers brings new safety considerations for employers considering remote employment, but taking steps to protect them can help increase employee engagement and reduce the potential for costly workers compensation claims.

Woman working remotely from home on a laptop computer.

Workplace Safety Resources

How to Attract Qualified Job Candidates

Attracting qualified job candidates can be a challenge, but it’s an important task for companies of all sizes. Learn talent acquisition strategies from Travelers.

3 jobs candidates meeting manager on construction site.

Workplace Safety Resources

Ladder Safety Tips

Ladder safety should begin before even stepping foot on one. Follow these ladder safety tips from Travelers.

Woman on top of a ladder.

Workplace Safety Resources

6 Workers Compensation Risks on the Road

Keeping employees safe while driving for business starts with identifying risk factors. Learn how to reduce driving risks and improve employee safety on the road.

Employee driving a pickup truck.

Workplace Safety Resources

Workplace Emergency Action Planning

Create a workplace emergency action plan to help keep your workers safe when the unthinkable happens.

Clock ticking down as part of action planning.

Workplace Safety Resources

The Psychological and Social Impact of Work-Related Injuries

Addressing more than the physical issues of an injury can help identify and mitigate potential barriers to work and function, resulting in better outcomes.

Woman sitting at desk having a video call.

Workplace Safety Resources

Space Heater Safety in the Workplace

Space heaters are useful for keeping warm at work but can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Space heater in the workplace.

Workplace Safety Resources

Protecting Against Slips, Trips and Falls During Winter

Winter weather brings new risks for slips, trips and falls in the workplace.

Person shoveling their sidewalk.

Workplace Safety Resources

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

A business may be held liable for every step in the supply chain. Monitoring and regulating that chain can help prevent future liability claims.

Slippery when wet sign inside a business lobby.

Workplace Safety Resources

The Modern Office Brings Emerging Risks

Modern office trends, such as mobile device use and work and play activities, bring new safety risks.

Woman sitting at home office in front of laptop.

Workplace Safety Resources

Managing the Risks of Injury to First-Year Employees

First-year employees can be at greater risk of injuries on the job, but there are steps that employers can take to help keep them safe at work.

  First-Year Employee hard at work.

Workplace Safety Resources

Injury Management Strategy and Planning

Strategies to help your employees get back to work.

Doctor meeting with business worker about injury management.

Workplace Safety Resources

How to Adjust Your Desk Chair and Workstation

Sitting at a desk all day can put stress on your body. Learn how to create an ergonomic workstation setup to help prevent injury.

Woman sitting in a chair.

Workplace Safety Resources

Ergonomics in the Modern Office

The modern office sees new ways for employees to be productive, like exercise balls and standing desks. The improper use of these devices can lead to discomfort and injuries.

Woman sitting on exercise ball in modern office.

Workplace Safety Resources

Ergonomics in the Mobile Office

Vehicle ergonomics are key to the health and safety of workers on the go. Learn about driving ergonomics to help prevent injuries.

Professionals in car and passenger typing on laptop.

Workplace Safety Resources

Ergonomics for the Road Warrior

Laptop and tablet use is on the rise for modern workers, and with it comes a new set of ergonomic challenges.

Woman road warrior working at a coffeeshop.

Workplace Safety Resources

Creating a Safety Culture in the Workplace

Creating a safety culture in the workplace can help keep employees safe and prevent workplace accidents.

Man with hard hat working to create a safety culture in a new building.

Workplace Safety Resources

Flu and Illness: Preparing Your Workplace

Flu and illness prevention in the workplace can help reduce the spread of illness between workers and decrease sick days.

Professional getting a cold in the workplace.

Workplace Safety Resources

Best Practices for Developing a Fire Safety Plan

Creating a workplace fire safety plan can help protect your workers and business.

Fire alarm in a hallway as part of fire safety plan.

Workplace Safety Resources

An Engaged Workforce Can Improve Safety

Learn the five key elements of a strong safety improvement process with this workplace safety infographic.

Two construction workers reviewing safety process.

Workplace Safety Resources

7 Types of Employees at Risk in Growing Companies

Fast-growing companies can benefit from evaluating risk factors related to employees working remotely, seasonally or part time. Learn how to address the risks.

Two manufacturing employees working together.

Workplace Safety Resources

6 Evolving Risks Impacting Workplace Injuries

Review these six evolving workplace risks to identify ways to help keep your employees safe at work and recover quickly if an injury does occur.

Three workers in a warehouse talking to each other with safety vests, hard hats and face masks on.

Workplace Safety Resources

6 Behavioral Interviewing Tips

Behavioral interviewing may help you better understand how a candidate performs in real-life situations.

Person using behavioral interviewing on an interview.

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A person pointing at a line graph on a large screen.

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