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Adding a Driver to Your Car Insurance Policy

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By Travelers
3 minutes
Husband and wife driving off in a convertible car after getting married.

You should consider adding to your policy anyone who has access to your household vehicles on a regular basis to help ensure you're protected in the event of an accident. The good news is that adding a driver to your car insurance is a fairly simple process. Typically, you can add drivers who reside at your address and regularly use your vehicle.

When to add a driver to your car insurance policy

There are a number of instances when you might add a driver to your car insurance policy. Here are some typical scenarios:

  • Your teenage child just got their learner’s permit and will use your household’s car(s) to practice their skills, accompanied by a parent or other licensed adult.
  • You’ve gotten married and you want to add your spouse.
  • You’ve moved in with your boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé or partner and will share a car.
  • Your adult child has moved back home and will use your household car(s).
  • Your parent or another relative is living with you and will use your household car(s).
  • You and your roommate share a car.

If you’re unsure about when to add a driver to your policy, contact your independent agent or Travelers representative for guidance.

Does adding a driver affect auto insurance costs?

Typically, adding drivers to your policy can increase your premium.

For example, there is a reason adding a teenage or newly licensed driver to an auto policy can result in an increase in insurance premiums. The American Academy of Pediatrics has noted that teen drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 have the highest rate of motor vehicle crashes in the United States.1

Your independent agent or Travelers representative can help you understand the opportunities for savings and the importance and implications of adding a driver to your policy to help you make the insurance decision that best meets your needs.

How to add someone to your auto insurance policy

If you’ve determined that adding a driver to your auto insurance policy is the right choice for you, the next step is to update your policy either over the phone, online or by making an appointment with your independent agent or Travelers representative. Your insurer may need some basic information about the newly added driver, including:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Age first licensed
  • Driver’s license number

Once you’ve added your new driver, take a few minutes to talk to your insurance agent about any discounts that may be available for you. Some ways to save on your car insurance include safe driver or good student discounts, as well as multi-policy discounts from bundling your coverage, such as buying insurance for your home and car from the same company.

Be sure you’re protected, regardless of who’s driving

Car insurance is designed to help protect you and everyone who shares the road with you from the potentially devastating cost of auto-related accidents. This also applies to people in your household who drive your car(s). Without proper auto insurance coverage, your financial well-being – or that of your loved one or friend – may be at risk. If you – or a spouse, your child or a relative or friend who frequently drives your car – cause an accident, you may have to pay the related damages and expenses, such as car repairs, property damage, medical bills and lost wages.

Most states require drivers at a minimum to have bodily injury and property damage liability coverage at state-mandated limits. Additional policy options can offer more limits and coverage.

Learn more about car insurance from Travelers. Talk to a local independent agent or get a car insurance quote online to create a policy that best addresses your needs.

Mother instructing teen driver behind the wheel of a car.

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