Using Travelers Preferred℠ Medical Providers
When a workplace injury occurs, Travelers can connect injured employees to a nationwide network of carefully selected and vetted medical providers that include Travelers PreferredSM providers.
Travelers logo, text: Pinpointing Better Medical Care: Travelers Preferred℠
A clock ticks and transitions into a word, text: INNOMINUTE Claim Innovation in a Minute
Hey, got a minute?
3 injured profiles appear. One person has their arm in a sling, one person is holding their lower back, and the third is holding their shoulder. They scale down as their place of business appears above them. The Travelers umbrella appears and connect to their business.
Accidents happen, and when an employee gets injured at their workplace, Travelers is here to help
A United States map appears. The profiles dissolve into the map as many red dots appear across the country. Then ten large circles appear to symbolize the Travelers Preferred℠ medical providers.
as one of the largest writers of workers compensation. We offer access to a nationwide network of carefully selected and vetted medical providers, including Travelers Preferred℠ medical providers.
The 3 profiles reappear under the Travelers Preferred℠ icon. A line connects from the icon to each profile and a checkmark appears on each. Text: treating occupational injuries, streamlining the claim process, supporting their recovery journey
Our entire network specializes in treating occupational injuries, streamlining the workers compensation claim process, and supporting injured employees on their recovery journey.
2 icons appear for data and analytics. Text: rich data, intelligent analytics
We combine our rich data with intelligent analytics
The icons combine into a magnifying glass that hovers over a map of the United States covered in dots. It uncovers four Travelers Preferred℠ provider icons.
to help us pinpoint the in-network providers that consistently outperform their peers.
The four Travelers Preferred℠ provider icons come together. Text: Travelers Preferred℠
known as Travelers Preferred℠. These are initial care clinics that set the trajectory for faster recovery
We see 10 profile icons next to a calendar. 7 of the 10 profile icons fill in with red as 30 days are filled in on the calendar. TEXT: 70% in 30 days.
and are one of our many capabilities that help 70% of injured employees return to work within 30 days 1
A graph with a dollar sign appears as we see it decrease. TEXT: 20% reduction in claim costs
These providers are correlated with up to a 20% reduction in claim costs
A bar graph appears. One bar is red and it shrinks down a little. TEXT: 10% decrease in time out of work
and a nearly 10% decrease in time out of work.
A screen appears as a mouse comes in to click a search button. TEXT: Provider Search, Address, Zip Code, Miles Away, Provider Types, Initial Care Clinics & Physicians, Search
Finding providers is easy through our convenient search tool on
We see the business re-appear with the 3 injured profiles underneath. The 3 profile icons spin around and they are highlighted in red with all 3 people now happy and healthy. Travelers umbrellas attach to everyone.
Expanding access to quality medical care is an investment in employees’ well-being, their return to productivity and our customer’s bottom line.
The business icon spins to revel a graph going up
and our customer’s bottom line.
Travelers umbrella icon, TEXT: It’s one more way we help customers make informed decisions while delivering on our promise to care.
It’s one more way we help customers make informed decisions while delivering on our promise to care.
Travelers logo, TEXT: Locate providers at
Locate providers at
© 2024 The Travelers Indemnity Company.
All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of the Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183. This material does not amend, or otherwise affect the provisions of any insurance policy issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage referenced in this document can depend on underwriting qualifications and state regulations.
Look for Travelers Preferred Providers
Travelers Preferred providers help injured employees get the treatment they need at the start of their recovery journey. They include occupational clinics, urgent care centers and internal/family medicine practices that can set a positive trajectory for recovery. In fact, use of Travelers Preferred providers can help to decrease time out of work for injured employees by as much as 10%1 and can reduce medical and disability claim costs by up to 20%.2
To learn more, visit the Provider Search page.
1Claims with disability periods closed 2022 - August 2024
2 Claim data, 2014-2022
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