Insurance for Insurance Companies
Solutions for insurance companies
Businesses, organizations and individuals count on insurance companies to provide critical support. But where can an insurance company turn for that same level of support? Travelers knows the challenges an insurance company faces every day and has the solutions to meet those needs.
Travelers knows insurance companies
The right coverage for your organization is crucial. Travelers has products that were designed specifically for insurance companies. Travelers SelectOne+® provides protection for your business, including professional and management liability. A complete portfolio of property casualty coverages are also available.
True story: Once upon an insurance company misstep
What started as routine claim processing for this fictional insurance company turned complicated when a key document in the matter went unnoticed for too long.
A lawsuit was filed – escalating the case dramatically. Cautionary tales like this one happen all too often at financial institutions like yours. How did it turn out? Our story has the answer.
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Illustrated image of town skyline rises from bottom of frame.
What happens when an insurance company makes a claim handling mistake?
Presented by Travelers Insurance
Once Upon an Insurance Company Misstep
Photo of an office building at night.
Sometimes even insurance companies need extra protection. One snowy December evening, the roads were slick.
Cut to night image of a car driving in a snowstorm.
When returning home after a holiday party, Ann lost control of her car and collided with another car,
Two cars collide.
significantly injuring the driver. Six months later, the injured driver’s attorneys sent Ann's insurance company,
Photo of a legal document on a desk.
Fair Day Insurance, a letter requesting Ann's policy limits of $100,000 in exchange for a full and final release
Fades to calendar with red thumbtack pinned to the 14th of the month.
payable within 14 days. As if things weren't bad enough, they were about to get worse.
Fades to documents and letters on a desk.
The letter to Fair Day Insurance landed on claim handler Terry's desk. But because Terry was away on vacation when the letter was received,
Fades to photo of a beach with palm trees.
her response was delayed, causing the insurance company to miss the 14-day deadline.
Photo of the outside of the courthouse.
At that point, the injured driver’s attorney took the $100,000 settlement offer off the table and filed a lawsuit. One year later,
Fades to inside courthouse, showing a jury box and judge’s desk with gavel.
the case went to trial. The jury found Ann liable for compensatory damages of $2 million. Ann in turn brought a first-party bad faith suit against Fair Day Insurance, claiming that the delayed response exposed her to personal liability and the excess verdict.
Photo fades to reveal Hartford, CT skyline with Travelers tower featured prominently.
Because Fair Day had a Travelers Insurance Company professional liability policy with a $3 million limit, this story had a happier ending than expected. After Ann's policy limits of $100,000 were paid by Fair Day
Photo of woman discussing a document with an advisor.
and the $500,000 insurance company professional liability retention was satisfied, the policy covered
Fades to image of woman walking away against an evening sky with office buildings.
the remaining $1.4 million dollars of the settlement for Fair Day -- an extra level of insurance for the insurance company
Fades to white. Travelers logo appears.
when it needed it most.
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TEXT: Contact your Travelers representative to learn more.
Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America and its property casualty affiliates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183
This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for ay particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverages referenced in this document may depend on underwriting qualifications and state regulations. Claims scenarios are based on actual claims, composites of actual claims, or hypothetical situations. Resolution amounts are approximations of both actual and anticipated losses and defense costs. Facts may have been changed to protect confidentiality.
© 2022 Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries.

Applications and forms for agents
Access all management and professional liability applications, as well as the surety bond forms library.
Resources for financial institutions

2023 Travelers Risk Index: Cyber risk
According to the 2023 Travelers Risk Index, cyber risks remain a top overall business concern.
More Prepare & Prevent
Insights to help you manage risks at work and on the road
Industry Resources
Financial Institutions and Elder Financial Abuse — Tips to Protect Your Customers and Reputation
Practices financial institutions can incorporate to help reduce the risks of elder financial abuse.

Cybersecurity Resources
What Is the Ransomware Landscape?
Ransomware continues to be one of the top malware threats, targeting users of all types. View this infographic to learn more.

Resources for Insuring Your Business
Social Engineering Fraud Against Insurance Companies
Social engineering fraud is a scam in which a fraudster attempts to mislead an employee. Learn more about social engineering fraud and explore best practices to avoid falling victim to this scam today.