What Is the Current Ransomware Landscape?

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By Travelers
3 minutes

Ransomware is the fastest growing malware threat, targeting users of all types — from the home user to the corporate network. It can lead to temporary or permanent loss of sensitive or proprietary information, disruption to regular operations, financial losses incurred to restore systems and files, and potential harm to an organization’s reputation.

Cyber crime doesn’t discriminate. It hits businesses large and small. One of the most pervasive types of cyber crime today is ransomware. Learn how ransomware can prevent a business from operating.

Cyber threats are gaining attention and illuminating the need for better cyber safety. There are ways to help protect yourself or your company through prevention and responsive actions to mitigate threats or resulting losses.

What Is the Current Ransomware Landscape?, see details below

Spotlight on Ransomware

Learn about emerging threats, what steps a business can take to reduce ransomware risk and follow a timeline of an actual ransomware claim.

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