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Travelers Crane Safety Training Program for Professional Crane Operations

Two cranes high above a building under construction.

Build a crane safety culture

Cranes are among the most dangerous pieces of equipment on a job site. From windy conditions to the location of power lines, your team needs crane training to be prepared to address all variables that may arise. Federal or state certification for crane operators is required from an accredited crane operator testing organization. With in-person and online sessions, Travelers crane specialists can help train your employees about crane safety.

What is the Travelers Professional Crane Operations Workshop?

What is the Travelers Professional Crane Operations Workshop? It’s a valuable crane training course that gives crane operators the very latest knowledge to safely operate on the job site.  

Hear from some of your construction peers who have attended the workshop with Hank Dutton. Attendee feedback includes: 

"Probably one of the most impactful trainings I've had to date…" 

"I felt it was so valuable that we are going to start sending operators, more supervisors and mechanics that work on the cranes…"  
Discover the value of Travelers crane training!

Check out some of our Travelers crane safety training videos

Hosted by Hank Dutton, Travelers Senior Specialist

Dangers of rigging mode

You shouldn't override the crane's computer just to get a different answer. Learn why bypassing computer controls using Rigging Mode is not recommended.

Learn more about Travelers crane training courses for our customers

Our crane specialists, including Hank Dutton, deliver crane training for our customers across the country. This video highlights the Professional Crane Operations Course offered by Travelers. 

Understanding Line Pull

Line Pull is one of the most overlooked concepts when determining crane capacity. It is also commonly missed on crane certification exams. Just like fishing for a big one, learn how your line must be sufficient for the weight you are reeling in.

Chart is a chart

We don't live in a perfect world or operate our cranes in one either. Learn some of the factors you should consider beyond the chart. 

Certification vs. qualification

Certified does not always mean qualified. Explore the difference between certification and qualification as it relates to crane operators.

Beware the risks posed by hidden site conditions

Construction site conditions can have an effect on the safe operations of a crane. This video highlights information from the Travelers Professional Crane Operations course to help you evaluate site conditions and heighten your awareness to proper crane setup. 

Learn how to use capacity charts

Rated capacity charts are complicated, and a job site is no place for guesswork. This video highlights information from the Travelers Professional Crane Operations Course that illustrates how load chart calculations help to determine how much weight can be safely lifted using the crane. 

Ensure that everyone is trained in crane safety

Knowledge is important for everyone involved in crane operations. This video reinforces the importance of lift planning to help keep your team safe and understand its responsibility. 

Construction industry insurance

Now is the time to work with an insurer with a deep understanding of the construction industry. Travelers is committed to bringing responsive and creative solutions to a wide range of contractors. We provide a cornerstone for contractors to realize their vision, as they build America's communities. 

Industry expertise

We offer product and service breadth to serve a wide range of contractors, including: 

Headshot of Hank Dutton.

Hank Dutton, Travelers Senior Specialist

Hank Dutton, Senior Specialist at Travelers, is a NCCCO certified lift director. Dutton has been employed at Travelers for over 20 years as part of a team of construction safety professionals. As a 25-plus-year veteran of the construction industry, he has worked with a diverse group of contractors, covering most types of construction. Dutton's deep experience allows him to regularly assist clients with questions relating to cranes and rigging. 

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