Stop Distracted Driving: Texting

Texting and driving can be distracting, even if you think you’re only taking your eyes off the road for a second. You can stand up to distracted driving. Speak up. Share now.
This content is brought to you by Travelers. A timer counts down from 15 Seconds.
At 11 Seconds, animation depicts a dog sniffing the outside of a house. A car approaches the house. The timer continues to tick from 7 seconds.
At 4 seconds, the driver turns to a new text message on a phone. It reads, What time will you be home? The driver glances toward the dog, then scrolls the rest of the message, which reads, The kids have soccer tonight at 6. Can you stop and pick up milk, eggs, bread.
At 2 seconds, the dog walks into the street. The driver slams the brake.
A graphic depicts the red Travelers umbrella in a stopwatch. Text, EVERY SECOND MATTERS. Share Now.
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