3-Minute Home Security Checklist

Red Umbrella Logo, Travelers. Text, 4 Steps to Securing Your Home. An animated car drives away from a house.
SPEAKER: In the busy pace of everyday life, making time to check your home security whenever you leave might sound like an unnecessary chore.
A figure dressed in black peeks around the side of the house after the car is gone. Exclamation points pop up over the garage door, the front door, and the windows.
Follow these simple steps that only take about three minutes to keep your home safe.
A timer set to 3 minutes appears, then the acronym S.A.F.E.
Secure your home. Close and lock all windows and doors, including the garage door.
Windows slide shut and a latch locks. A hand holds up a smart phone with a lock icon and types in a code on a security system pad.
Arm your security system, even if you're only stepping out for a quick errand. Check the forecast.
If bad weather is looming, allow for more time to safeguard your home by making sure upstairs windows are closed and outdoor furniture is secure.
The smart phone weather app shows rain. An upstairs house window closes, and a garage door closes on a pile of furniture stacked inside.
Do a quick check of your home's exterior, making sure there's nothing outside like packages or newspapers that could suggest your absence.
A package and a stack of newspapers pile up on the front porch.
With these simple steps, you can help protect your home from thieves.
The garage door, front door, and window exclamation points become pad locks.
Talk to your Travelers representative or independent agent today.
Red Umbrella Logo, Travelers. Text, Travelers.com. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America and its property casualty affiliates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT, 06183. This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions of any insurance policy issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the carrier loss, all applicable policy provisions, and any applicable law.
You are busy, as usual, and are heading out for the day. A quick scan of the weather shows rain in the forecast. You double back for an umbrella, scoop up your rain jacket, and turn around to nudge the door shut behind you, forgetting to lock it. Glancing back at the house, you notice the window over the sink is still open, but figure it will help cool off the house. You bypass the flyer for landscaping services tucked into the screen door handle and continue on your way down the driveway.
Does that sound like your current three-minute routine before leaving home? It can be hectic getting ready to leave the house, and a last-minute distraction might mean forgetting to properly secure your home. But these steps can be critical in deterring thieves from choosing your home as a target. Coming up with a three-minute home security checklist can help you make a habit out of some important safety practices.
Following are some SAFE steps to consider:
Secure your home: Close and lock all windows and doors, all year long. An open window might offer fresh air, but it is also an invitation. Thieves going door-to-door with flyers sometimes knock and try the door to see if it opens, giving them easy access to your home.
Arm your security system: Even if you are only running a brief errand, get in the habit of always turning on your home security system. Thieves can break in to your home in a matter of minutes, so it is always better to leave your home protected.
Follow the forecast: Check the weather forecast in advance, so you can be prepared with appropriate weather gear and leave yourself more time to focus on closing up your home.
Evaluate your exterior: Before you leave, do a quick scan of your home’s exterior, looking for flyers, newspapers, or anything else that might suggest your absence.