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Your Greatest Asset: Smart Risk Management in the Age of Workforce Transformation

Travelers umbrella logo.
By Travelers
8 minutes

Chapter #1  |  Chapter #2  |  Chapter #3  |  Chapter #4  |  Chapter #5  |  Full Webinar Video

Whether you call it the Great Resignation or the Great Reshuffle, this post-pandemic phenomenon has driven unprecedented organizational change in a short amount of time. Risk managers have always played a critical role in keeping both new and tenured employees safe, and now it is more important than ever for risk managers to use their analytical skills to uncover important employee injury trends and clearly communicate these findings to senior leadership.

Hear from Elizabeth Carter, Director, Forensics and Resilience at BDO’s San Francisco Office; Rich Ives, VP, Workers Compensation at Travelers, and Danielle Sobocinski, RMIS Senior Information Account Consultant at Travelers, to learn more about how successful companies focus as much on employees as they do on customers and how risk manager can use data to understand and address the long-term impacts of workers compensation claim trends.

Chapter #1

Impact of the Pandemic on Workplace Injuries

"Increasing resignations, retirements – really, if you think about it, a shuffling of a lot of jobs and employees – is happening currently right now."

Rich Ives, VP, Workers Compensation Claim at Travelers

Chapter #2

Case Examples: Failures and Successes

“Once we were able to understand the pain point of the pandemic for this particular customer, it allowed us to focus on other areas of opportunity that might be controllable to help them – really, eliminating the noise and hopefully being able to focus on more controllable opportunities."

Danielle Sobocinski, RMIS Senior Information Account Consultant at Travelers

Chapter #3

Shifts in Workplace Culture

"We discovered that, in order to get [employees] to come to work and actually do their best work, we really had to step up our efforts to take care of them and make them feel safe and looked after."

Elizabeth Carter, Director, Forensics & Resilience at BDO"

Chapter #4

A Tale of Two Injuries

"When we think of wellness, we think wellness is multidimensional. And the factors that influence someone's recovery after a workplace injury really extend beyond merely the physical injury itself."

Rich Ives, VP, Workers Compensation Claim at Travelers

Chapter #5

Mental Health Impact in Workers Compensation

"These risk factors can drag one's ability down to be resilient, which diminishes recovery. If we can find out those employees who struggle in this area, then we stand a chance of being able to help provide supportive techniques as well as change our approach in a way of mitigating their impact."

Rich Ives, VP, Workers Compensation Claim at Travelers

Your greatest asset: Smart risk management in the age of workforce transformation [full webinar replay]


Watch the full webinar, Your Greatest Asset: Smart Risk Management in the Age of Workforce Transformation, at RIMS – The Risk Management Society. Non-members can register and watch the webinar for free.

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