Multigenerational Mental Health Differences in the Workplace

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By Travelers
50 minutes

Insight #1  |  Insight #2  |  Full Webinar Video

New research shows a shift in the mental health of today’s emerging workforce dating to 2012. Employers that understand the mental health distinctions among boomers, Gen X, millennials and Gen Z and how they may influence an injured worker’s recovery may be better prepared to offer the right support to help their employee safely return to work at the earliest medically appropriate time.

Gen Z Wants More Empathy at Work

Valuable insights from Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology, San Diego State University, and author of Generations.

A Biopsychosocial Approach Improves Understanding of Injured Workers

Learn about this new approach to injured employee recovery from Marcos Iglesias, M.D., Vice President, Chief Medical Director at Travelers and Constitution State Services.

Watch the Full Replay: A Decade of Disconnect: Understanding Multi-generational Mental Health in the Workplace

Dr. Jean M. Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, and Dr. Marcos Iglesias, Vice President and Chief Medical Director at Travelers and Constitution State Services, joined Cora Hall, Assistant Vice President of Marketing Strategy at Travelers, to discuss the importance of understanding mental health in the workplace and how taking generational differences into account can help improve injured employee recovery rates.

Navigate to these timestamps in the full webinar below:

  • Different meanings of mental health (3:45)
  • Generational differences (7:28)
  • What younger workers want (11:20)
  • Technology is a key factor (13:15)
  • Center of care decisions (16:10)
  • Surprising generational research (27:40)
  • Managing mental health differences (29:50)
  • Steps to protect your organization (31:45)
  • The most important takeaways (35:17)

Background image of a group of people in a meeting, shaded in dark gray. Travelers logo and Constitution State Services logo. Text, Could Generational Workplace Tension Undermine Worker's Compensation Stability?

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