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Property Loss Prevention Plan

Travelers umbrella logo.
By Travelers Risk Control
1 minute

A formal property loss prevention plan can help to prevent or minimize the occurrence and damage to machinery, equipment and facilities that are essential to your business. Creating a plan is not a one-time event. It is dynamic and should involve all facets of your business.

Property preservation program activities

The time to start is now. An effective plan involves taking action to protect and preserve your property. Key elements to consider in developing your program include: defining the roles employees, contractors and visitors play in protecting your property and scheduling the regular inspection and maintenance of key equipment.

Key elements of property loss prevention plan, see details below.

Employees, contractors and visitors should at a minimum:

  • Monitor cutting, welding and hot work and follow a formal permit system.
  • Follow no smoking or restricted smoking policies.
  • Employ established risk management controls for contractors.
  • Follow regularly accepted housekeeping practices.
  • Monitor fire protection equipment and systems impairments and have a formal procedure to track them.
  • Conduct fire department pre-planning sessions and drills periodically.

Inspection, testing and maintenance of critical processes, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment is important for safe and uninterrupted operations. Conducting regular and formal inspection, testing and maintenance should be a foundational part of your operating culture.

Ongoing activities should include, but not be limited to, periodic:

  • Preventive maintenance of production machinery.
  • Inspection and testing of business critical equipment, including HVAC systems.
  • Inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment (including infrared scanning).
  • Inspection and testing of combustion safeguards on fuel-fired equipment.
  • Inspection, testing of fire protection systems.

Business continuity planning

Thinking about what event can cause a disruption to your normal operations, and steps that you can take to help minimize its impact, is a key component of an effective property loss prevention program.

Click here to learn more about creating a business continuity plan.

At Travelers, our team of safety professionals survey more than one hundred properties a day, giving us invaluable insight into ways to help reduce your potential for loss.

Worker in safety goggles using tool creating sparks and fire hazard.

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