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Construction Risk Management

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By Travelers Risk Control
2 minutes

Emerging technologies, changing standards and a shortage of skilled labor can present increased potential for construction defect exposure.

The costs and challenges associated with construction defects can change and increase rapidly. With new materials and techniques entering the market, codes and other requirements that can vary by state, and a lack of skilled labor, the causes and consequences of a construction defect can seem like a moving target.

A​s a contractor, completing projects safely, on time and within budget should be your primary concerns – not the potential for costly repairs, unwarranted claims or expensive litigation. Even if you do everything right, you can still end up the target of a construction defect claim. When something goes wrong, understanding what happened and why it happened can help save your business the expense of re-performing work or defending claims.

Proactively managing construction defect risk is your best defense. Construction defect claims can be complex, expensive and can take years to resolve. As a contractor, you should:

Construction Risk Management, see details below
Person sitting in cab of construction vehicle.

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