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Driving in Fog Safely

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By Travelers Risk Control
1 minute
Car driving in fog at night with headlights on.

Fog can be one of the most dangerous weather conditions for both new and experienced drivers. Fog has the potential to reduce visibility significantly, so it is critical that drivers stay focused on the road in order to stay safe. Severe weather demands your undivided attention, so be sure to reduce any possible distractions by turning the radio down or turning off that phone to keep your attention fully on the road. Keep in mind that sometimes the best driving decision you can make is to stay off the road completely until the weather clears.

3 tips for driving in fog

1. Slow down. Driving at normal speeds in fog can be very dangerous. Be sure to slow down so you have more time to react if traffic stops or other hazards appear. When visibility is severely limited, find a safe place to park, away from travel lanes, and wait for conditions to improve.

2. Always headlights, never brights. Avoid using high-beam headlights in fog as fog consists of tiny water droplets that spread and reflect light. While your high beams are not useful in the fog, remember to turn on your low-beam headlights to help other drivers see you.

3. Stay focused on the road. Driving in fog is not a time for multitasking. Turn down the radio, stop conversations with other passengers and keep your attention on the road. Roll down your window to help you hear other traffic on the road.

For more tips on driving in severe weather like heavy winds and heavy rain, click here.

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