Creating Opportunities for Success

Committed to the communities we call home
Travelers believes that strong communities are sustained by educational and economic opportunities – and we are dedicated to assisting our communities in generating those opportunities. With a focus on access and inclusion, we target our giving and volunteerism to help improve academic and career success, develop thriving neighborhoods and create culturally enriched communities.

“We feel a deep responsibility to support the communities we call home. Over the last decade, we have contributed more than $228 million toward important causes, and our employees have logged hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours to help power their communities.”
Alan Schnitzer, Travelers Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Community impact
Find out the many ways we help to open doors for individuals and work to create vibrant communities.
How we help
Grants and sponsorships are part of our philanthropy; so are the generous contributions of our employees. Learn more.
Caring for our communities
Ensuring opportunities that create strong, resilient, vibrant communities and pathways to success; see how Travelers is making a difference.
Text, Ensuring opportunities that create strong, resilient, vibrant communities and pathways to success.
Men and women engage in activities. Text, Our community. Involvement. Partnership. Commitment. Support.
People hold up red umbrellas. Text, Stronger together. #TEAM TRAVELERS
Tina Newsome-Lee, Managing Counsel, Corporate Claim, Travelers. Text, so much joy in giving back
TINA NEWSOME-LEE: I'm getting so much joy in giving back, seeing myself in the children, and knowing what they could one day become as well. So to me, it just-- I can't even really put into words.
Sonia Cruz, Doctoral Candidate and Community Advocate. Text, do it for that difference.
SONIA CRUZ: If you're going to do something, do it for that difference, do it for that moment, do it for one child that needs you, do it for that one family that needs you, do it for that area of the community that needs you.
Sean Ramalho, SVP, Strategic Execution Office, Travelers. Text, what cultural impact will you have.
SEAN RAMALHO: It's not just about profit and dollars. It's about what cultural impact will you have on the community that you're part of.
Resilient &Thriving Neighborhoods. Elizabeth Figueroa, Small Business Owner, Los Angeles, Travelers Small Business Risk Education Program. Text, Small business support. Text, Travelers believes in us.
ELIZABETH FIGUEROA: It's important for us to know and to have that great comfort level that Travelers believes in us because they do see that we do help the economy.
Culturally Enriched Communities. Jaime Grant, Former CEO, Ordway Performing Arts Center. Text, that
they've made an investment in the community.
JAMIE GRANT: Companies like Travelers do understand the difference between a philanthropic gift and an investment, and I like to think of our relationship with Travelers as that they've made an investment in the community.
Developing Future Leaders. Gilliane Arens, Senior Communications Specialist, HR Communications, Travelers. Text, they can be whatever they want to be.
GILLIANE ARENS: Early in my career, I didn't see a lot of people that looked like me that reflected what my future career aspirations could be. And so I felt like it's important to show, particularly young girls, that they can be whatever they want to be and that there are companies that support that.
Ann Ultring, Program Manager, Travelers EDGE, Augsburg University. Text, a chance to build a professional network.
ANN ULRING: Travelers EDGE students have a pathway that's open to them to opportunities. It gives them a chance to build a professional network and their own social capital.
Cesar Delgado, Account Executive Officer, Bond & Specialty Insurance, Travelers. Text, it changed my life
CÉSAR DELGADO: It changed my life. I mean, I don't think I couldn't have done it without EDGE.
Travelers employees in action. Text, Impact. Excellence. Transformation. Innovation. Leadership commitment. The Travelers Promise. Taking care of customers, communities and each other. The red umbrella logo and text, Travelers

Academic & career success
Because today’s student will be tomorrow’s co-worker, education is a priority in our giving. We support college and career readiness programs for students from under-resourced communities, starting in middle school through college and into career.

Thriving neighborhoods
Creating safe, resilient communities where people have access to opportunity is a priority for us. We fund initiatives ranging from the creation of affordable housing to small business development and disaster preparedness.

Culturally enriched communities
We believe arts and culture enrich lives and improve multicultural understanding. We fund organizations that use the arts to enhance academic learning, provide access to low-income communities and present cultural traditions.

Travelers Championship®
All net proceeds from this popular event on the PGA TOUR® go to local charities.

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
This camp enables children with illnesses to experience a “different kind of healing.”