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Report a Surety Bond Claim

Commercial and construction surety bonds

  • A payment bond claim is typically filed when labor/material payments are allegedly due and owing but have not been made on a bonded project.
  • A performance bond claim is typically filed when the terms of the bond obligation or bonded contract have not been performed by the bond principal due to an alleged default by the principal.
  • A commercial bond claim is typically filed when the principal named on the bond has allegedly violated the terms of a bonded license, permit, statutory requirement or other commercial obligation. 

You can report your claim by using any of these options:

  • Email
  • Fax 1.888.460.6622
  • Mail to:
    Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance Claim
    P.O. Box 2989
    Hartford, CT  06104-2989

For questions related to claim reporting or handling, please call 1.800.842.8496.

Available 24 hours a day, every day.

To report an incident or file a Management or Professional Liability claim, please click here.