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Risk Management Information Services (RMIS)

Travelers Risk Management Information Services (RMIS) uses advanced technology to gather and analyze many elements that can have a significant impact on loss experience. Our customizable e-CARMA® analysis tool makes accessing loss informationfasterandeasierso you can make timely and informed decisions to keep your business running smoothly. 

What is e-CARMA?

How does e-CARMA work?

Our all-encompassing risk management system allows customers to monitor and analyze their risk management information, while our team of dedicated RMIS professionals provide support all along the way.

Your dedicated risk management partner

Dedicated RMIS professionalspartner with your organization to support your unique needs and goals as part of an effective risk management program. 

RMIS account executives:

  • Guide implementation
  • Configure location codes
  • Recommend custom data items
  • Personalize e-CARMAtraining
  • Incorporate other carrier data
  • Customize analytical solutions
  • Provide ongoing consultative service and support 

e-CARMA benefits

  • Intuitive and consistent navigation saves time
  • Interactive loss analysis supports quick and educated decisions
  • Real-time dynamic analysis generates shareable presentation-quality reports 

RMIS resources

Business person smiling and carrying a red folder.

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