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What Is Directors & Officers Liability Insurance?

Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance is designed to protect the people who serve as directors or officers of a company from personal losses if they are sued by the organization’s employees, vendors, customers or other parties. D&O insurance can cover defense costs, settlements and other costs associated with wrongful act allegations and lawsuits. Directors & officers insurance is an important aspect of a corporate risk management strategy and can help your company attract and retain qualified executives and board members.

Travelers knows Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

All organizations, whether public, private or nonprofit, and the people who lead them, are vulnerable to a multitude of D&O exposures. These exposures may include securities litigation, regulatory actions allegations of misrepresentation and breaches of fiduciary. Travelers helps businesses understand directors & officers liability coverage.

Who is D&O liability insurance right for?

All organizations, including private companies, public companies and financial institutions with boards of directors, should have directors & officers liability insurance coverage. Claims against companies and their directors and officers are increasingly common.

If your business works with vendors or government entities, or has employees or customers, you may have exposure that could make your organization and its executives vulnerable to costly legal action. 

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