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Property Casualty for Financial Institutions

Travelers knows property casualty insurance

Travelers coverages address the unique property casualty (P&C) exposures of financial institutions. With P&C coverage through Travelers, you can have confidence that your financial institution is protected. Our customized products help cover the real and personal property that your financial institution owns, rents or leases, as well as the liabilities related to your locations and operations.

Property casualty insurance is a category of insurance that includes policies designed to protect against a wide range of accidents, threats and losses. Property insurance helps cover damages to your financial institution's buildings, business personal property and equipment. Casualty insurancehelps protect your financial institution from liability when accidents happen.  

For example, P&C insurance helps provide coverage when an employee or customer is injured while on the job or on your company's premises or a fire breaks out and destroys critical computer equipment and customer records. 
Make sure you have theright insuranceto help respond to unforeseen events. 

Business person smiling and carrying a red folder.

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Why choose Travelers?

Travelers offers a full range ofinsurance for financial institutions. From core P&C to specialized coverages specific to financial institutions, we can help you design an insurance program to fit your company’s unique needs. 

What does P&C insurance cover?

Property– Coverage for your building, business personal property and equipment. 

General liability– Provides protection against claims of bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and advertising injury. 

Auto– Covers your company's use of motor vehicles while doing business. 

Workers compensation and employer's liability– Covers employee injuries occurring while at work as well as injuries arising out of and during the employee's employment. 

Umbrella and excess liabilityOffers higher limits over the standard protection for our general liability, auto and employer liability coverages. 

Specialized coverages– This may be added via optional endorsement to ensure a premier level of protection. Travelers offers specialized P&C insurance to cover unique exposures such as off-site ATMs, foreclosed properties, mortgage holder's errors and omissions, security interest errors and omissions, repossessed autos, properties held in trust and contingent leasing exposures. 

True Story: Once Upon a Slippery Trip

If a customer slips, trips or falls in your financial institution, does your insurance carrier have the medical expertise and sophisticated innovation to navigate the claim outcome successfully? 
A common scenario such as this one can have either a potentially tragic or a happy ending. Which will it be for the bank featured in this story? Take a listen. 

Applications and forms for agents

Access all management and professional liability applications and forms and the surety bond forms library.

Related products & solutions

Provides organizations of all sizes coverage to help protect against losses resulting from data breaches and other fast-evolving cyber exposures.

Policies that fit your unique responsibilities and exposures – whether your business is a private, public, nonprofit or financial institution.

Travelers offers a range of insurance protection for banks and diversified financial institutions.

More Prepare & Prevent

Insights to help you manage risks at work and on the road

Business person smiling and carrying a red folder.

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Tailor coverage to address the risks to your business.