Customized risk solutions for the renewable energy industry
While your business is focused on supporting the future of energy and the environment, Travelers is focused on supporting your future — helping renewable energy companies succeed by meeting the specialized risk challenges of a rapidly growing industry.
Travelers logo in front of hands on a boat’s steering wheel
TEXT: Travelers presents Powering the Future
Ocean waves and gulls flying around boat
Eileen Kauffman looking out to sea
TEXT: Eileen Kauffman, Global Practice Leader, Renewable Energy, Travelers
It’s so easy to take this planet for granted.
Tall grass moving with the wind
The wind,
Sun shining through a stand of trees
the sun,
Clouds moving over a mountain range
all that energy, all that power.
Eileen running her hand through tall grass
Sometimes it just astounds me,
Eileen walking toward the rocky shore
that in a country where we have such an abundance
A flock of birds high up in the sky
of renewable energy
A grassy landscape
resources, that we’re
Eileen standing next to the water looking out
still counting on fossil fuels for
A close-up of Eileen’s head as she looks out
80% of our energy needs.
A dandelion as its seeds blow away
In a lot of ways though,
A young girl in a field of dandelions as the seeds fly around her
that’s good. Because in terms of future
The sky with the sun peeking through clouds as they roll by
opportunities the sky really is the limit.
A close-up of a piece of wheat in a field
There are so many things we have learned that can help
An overhead shot of a worker walking through rows of solar panels
ease the transition over to solar, wind and other renewables.
The sky as birds fly around the top of a bridge
Over the last few decades, we have seen a
Waves rushing through floodgates
tremendous amount of innovation in this sector
The sky through a glass window
from improved construction methods
A flock of birds flying over the sea
to better grid integration.
Wind turbines on the shore, over land and in the water
Offshore wind is really gaining momentum here.
Looking at wind turbines that are in the water, from the land
Just look at the number of wind projects
An offshore wind turbine’s blades spinning
being planned along
A small island and a boat driving past it
the Eastern Seaboard.
Eileen walking on a trail next to the water
Today, we’re looking at wind farms that can be built
A row of wind turbines offshore
much further offshore,
A wind farm offshore
where they won’t obstruct views, and new technologies are creating bigger,
A view of a wind turbine under construction
better turbines that
Wind turbines on land through the clouds
can reach the stronger, steadier winds you find at higher altitudes.
Aerial view of a city
All over the world, consumption of
Building with courtyard in the center
renewable energy is increasing dramatically.
Accelerated railway through the city
And over the next 20 years, the expected investment is
Clouds moving over landscape
estimated to grow exponentially.
Wind turbines in a row on hills
It is a lucrative, booming sector and frankly,
A row of wind turbines offshore
much further offshore,
A wind farm offshore
where they won’t obstruct views, and new technologies are creating bigger,
A view of a wind turbine under construction
better turbines that
Wind turbines on land through the clouds
can reach the stronger, steadier winds you find at higher altitudes.
Aerial view of a city
All over the world, consumption of
Building with courtyard in the center
renewable energy is increasing dramatically.
Accelerated railway through the city
And over the next 20 years, the expected investment is
Clouds moving over landscape
estimated to grow exponentially.
Wind turbines in a row on hills
It is a lucrative, booming sector and frankly,
A row of wind turbines offshore
much further offshore,
A wind farm offshore
where they won’t obstruct views, and new technologies are creating bigger,
A view of a wind turbine under construction
better turbines that
Wind turbines on land through the clouds
can reach the stronger, steadier winds you find at higher altitudes.
Aerial view of a city
All over the world, consumption of
Building with courtyard in the center
renewable energy is increasing dramatically.
Accelerated railway through the city
And over the next 20 years, the expected investment is
Clouds moving over landscape
estimated to grow exponentially.
Wind turbines in a row on hills
It is a lucrative, booming sector and frankly,
A row of wind turbines offshore
much further offshore,
A wind farm offshore
where they won’t obstruct views, and new technologies are creating bigger,
A view of a wind turbine under construction
better turbines that
Wind turbines on land through the clouds
can reach the stronger, steadier winds you find at higher altitudes.
Aerial view of a city
All over the world, consumption of
Building with courtyard in the center
renewable energy is increasing dramatically.
Accelerated railway through the city
And over the next 20 years, the expected investment is
Clouds moving over landscape
estimated to grow exponentially.
Wind turbines in a row on hills
It is a lucrative, booming sector and frankly,
Waves crashing
[SPEECH] you just can’t succeed in this space if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Eileen walking through brush
That’s why Travelers is investing in new expertise
Wind turbines on the shore as the sun is setting
men and women, who spent time in the field,
Wind turbine being assembled
who have been out in the vessels and up the turbines.
Solar panel farm
The side of a building with a reflection of the sky
understands everything about the energy
Solar panels and wind turbines on a beach
industry and its evolving technologies.
A time lapse of a crane building turbines
We get the claim process
Wind blowing through a field of tall grass
and we know the coverage options. We have thought
The sun shining through the trees
through every detail, from whether a typhoon-class
Eileen walking through the brush
turbine will work in a hurricane to how to handle
In-land transit of large wind turbines
in-land transit of large turbines. The bottom line is, Travelers is
Turbine blades spinning
re-energizing its global renewable energy practice, to take on projects of all shapes and sizes.
Onshore wind farm
From offshore and onshore wind farms
Rows of solar panels
to solar energy and biopower operations,
Biopower operations
we have the expertise and commitment to protect
Landscape with sun setting behind mountains
the innovators and investors, making renewable energy possible.
Waves crashing on the rocky shore
Wind turbines in a field
is at a turning point when it comes to finding new ways
Eileen walking away from the waterline
to power our future. And Travelers is there, with the knowledge and expertise to support the future
Travelers logo in front of mountain scene
TEXT: The Future Is Here
TEXT: Visit to see how we can support your vision
in a way that makes sense for ourselves and our planet.
Renewable energy companies are exposed to unique risks, from difficult crane operations during construction to maintaining complex equipment that's continuously exposed to natural hazards. We bring the expertise and insight to protect your people, your property, your investment and your business wherever you operate across the globe.

Our industry expertise
Travelers' deep knowledge of renewable energy risks means we can deliver a full range of tailored coverage solutions for businesses across the renewables spectrum:
Who is renewable and alternative energy insurance right for
Renewable energy sources and businesses that invest in, develop, operate and maintain commercial and utility-scale operations include:
- Onshore wind power
- Offshore wind power
- Ground-mount solar
- Rooftop solar
- Bioenergy operations
- Battery energy storage systems (BESS)
Renewable and alternative energy resources
Travelers Innovation Network for Energy
Take advantage of access to and discounts* from this specially curated collection of vendors and resources, available to Travelers customers.
More Prepare & Prevent
Insights to help you manage risks at work and on the road
Resources for the Energy Industry
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Technology Growth and Risks
Advancements in battery storage, or battery energy storage systems (BESS), technology come with unique risks. Learn what’s happening in the BESS industry today.

Resources for the Energy Industry
Crane Safety Tips for Wind Farm Construction and Maintenance
Moving a crane at a wind farm requires planning and following guidelines from engineers, manufacturers and site supervisors. Here are some key considerations.

Resources for the Energy Industry
Predictive Maintenance at Solar and Wind Installations to Reduce Risks and Downtime
Predictive maintenance and IoT can help keep wind and solar installations operational, but preventive maintenance also remains important for the renewable energy industry.

Resources for the Energy Industry
5 Opportunities for U.S. Offshore Wind Development
Increasingly affordable wind energy, rising demand and promising development sites along Atlantic seabeds are all driving growth for offshore wind in the United States.

Resources for the Energy Industry
Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Risks
The growing demand for lithium-ion battery energy storage systems (BESS) is due to the benefits they provide consumers such as time shifting, improved power quality, better network grid utilization and emergency power supply.

Resources for the Energy Industry
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Tips for Solar Energy Installations
As rooftop solar installations age, operations and maintenance is increasingly important. Here are some ways to protect your solar installation investment.