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Electronic Delivery of Documents Program

Revised: June 30, 2022

eDelivery Terms and Conditions

To receive your insurance related documents by Electronic Delivery instead of by Mail, you must enroll in our Electronic Delivery of Documents Program ("Program"). You can choose to enroll your policy, billing account or both in the Program. By enrolling in the Program, you confirm that you have read and agree to these eDelivery Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions").

The words "we," "us," and "our" mean Travelers*. The words "you" and "your" mean you, the Named Insured who is enrolling in the Program. You represent that you are a Named Insured on the Policy(ies) and Billing Account(s) and that you have authority to act on behalf of all Named Insureds on the Policy(ies) and Billing Account(s). Only one Named Insured's consent is required to enroll a Policy or Billing Account in the Program, regardless of the number of Named Insureds on the Policy or Billing Account.

When capitalized, the words "Policy," "Policies" or "Policy(ies)" mean the policy or policies that you choose to enroll in the Program, including any renewal, continuation, replacement, change or re-write (including a re-write that results in a new policy number) of that enrolled policy. If you have multiple policies with us, you can choose the policies you want enrolled in the Program.** By enrolling a Policy or Policies in the program, you agree to receive Policy Documents related to those Policy(ies) by Electronic Delivery. 

When capitalized, the words "Billing Account", "Billing Accounts" or "Billing Account(s)" mean the billing account you choose to enroll in the Program, including any renewal, continuation, replacement, change or re-write (including if the change results in a new billing account number). When you purchase a policy with us, a billing account is established. If you purchase more than one policy from us, you can have those policies billed together under a single billing account or you can have those policies individually billed under separate billing accounts.** If you have multiple billing accounts with us, you can choose the billing accounts you want enrolled in the Program. By enrolling a Billing Account or Billing Accounts in the Program, you agree to receive Billing Documents related to those Billing Account(s) by Electronic Delivery.

Your consent to Electronic Delivery will remain in effect and will apply to all future renewals, continuations, replacements, re-writes and changes to any Policy(ies) or Billing Account(s), regardless of whether the policy number or billing account number changes unless:

  • You withdraw your consent in accordance with these Terms and Conditions; or
  • We terminate the Program, your enrollment in the Program or the enrollment of a Policy or Billing Account.

We are not liable for any loss, liability, cost, expense or claim arising out of your enrollment in the Program or your election to receive Documents by Electronic Delivery.

Documents to be Provided by Electronic Delivery

Policy Documents, Billing Documents and Documents have the following meaning in these Terms and Conditions:

"Policy Documents" means:

  • insurance policies, policy jackets, endorsements and declarations pages, renewal declarations pages, privacy policy, important notices, automobile id cards, change declarations, consumer bills of rights, newsletters, information about your policy, underwriting documentation, applications, questionnaires, surveys, and any other documents related to your insurance as we may determine.

"Billing Documents" means:

  • bills, billing notices, billing related disclosure notices not sent with the policy, information about your bill or payment and any other documents related to your bill or payment as we may determine.

"Document" means:

  • Policy Documents, Billing Documents or both.

Currently, some types of Documents are not available for Electronic Delivery. We will continue to Mail those Documents to you. However, some or all of those Documents may become available for Electronic Delivery in the future.

When Documents become available for Electronic Delivery, we may automatically start sending those Documents by Electronic Delivery and stop Mailing those Documents to you, without any further notice.

Your consent to Electronic Delivery applies both to Documents that are currently available for Electronic Delivery and to Documents that may become available for Electronic Delivery in the future.

Method of Electronic Delivery

When we say we will send you a Document by Electronic Delivery, it means we will:

  • Send the Document by email, or in an attachment to an email, or
  • Send a notice by email that the Document is available for you to view on a particular website. In some instances, you will need to create a username and password to access the website and view your Document.

Whether to email you the Document or to send you a notice that the Document is ready to view online is our choice. We will send the Document or notice to the Email Address of Record. If we detect that our email to you was not delivered successfully, we may (i) Mail you the Document, or (ii) Mail you a notice, informing you that your Document is available to view online.

We may choose not to use Electronic Delivery for certain Documents or at certain times and, instead, may Mail the Document. In some circumstances, we may choose to send a Document both by Electronic Delivery and by Mail.

A Document we send by Electronic Delivery is considered delivered when sent. This is regardless of whether you actually access or view the Document.

Mail Delivery

When we say we will Mail you a Document, it means we will mail the Document to the address shown in the Declarations page of the Policy. We may have the document physically delivered instead of mailing it.

Email Address of Record

At the time you enroll a Policy or Billing Account in the Program, you will need to designate an email address ("Email Address of Record") for each Policy and Billing Account that you choose to enroll. We may require the Email Address of Record for each Policy and Billing Account to be the same. This is the email address we will use for Electronic Delivery of Documents for that Policy or Billing Account. An Email Address of Record must be the email address of a Named Insured on the Policy or Billing Account who has authority to act on behalf of all Named Insureds on the Policy or Billing Account.

You can change or update an Email Address of Record either (i) by logging into and updating your email address in the Edit Paperless Options section or (ii) by notifying a Travelers service representative at 1.800.842.5075.

The Email Address of Record for a given Policy or Billing account is the last Email Address of Record we have in our files for that Policy or Billing Account. It is your responsibility to notify us of any changes or updates to an Email Address of Record. You are responsible for ensuring that we have the correct Email Address of Record for each Policy and Billing Account. We will not be liable for any loss, liability, cost, expense or claim arising out of an incorrect Email Address of Record.

Withdrawing Consent for Electronic Delivery

You may withdraw your consent to Electronic Delivery of Documents by changing your delivery preference back to delivery by Mail. You can do this by either (i) logging onto or our MyTravelers® Mobile App and updating your delivery preferences or (ii) notifying a Travelers service representative at 1.800.842.5075.** You will need to affirmatively change your delivery preference for each Policy and Billing account that you wish to withdraw from the Program.

If a discount is given now or in the future that considers enrollment in electronic delivery, a withdrawal of consent could result in the removal of any such discount.

Time for Enrollment, Changes or Withdrawal of Consent to Become Effective

It may take a period of time for us to process your enrollment in the Program, process a change to an Email Address of Record or process any request to withdraw a Policy or Billing Account from the Program. We will send Documents to you by Mail until we process your enrollment. Changes to any Email Address of Record or withdrawal of your consent to receive Documents electronically are not effective until we process the change. We will continue to send Documents to the Email Address of Record until any change becomes effective.

Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to access, view and retain the Documents we send you by Electronic Delivery, you need:

  • A valid email address
  • Regular internet access via a browser (such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) that is JavaScript and Cookies enabled. For details on our Cookies policies, click here.
  • Software that allows viewing of documents in PDF format (such as Adobe Reader™).
  • An electronic device that allows for storage of PDF documents, such as a mobile phone or computer.
  • If you want to print any Document, an electronic device and printer capable of printing a PDF.

We may send our emails in HTML or plain text. Most emails will not be encrypted. However, Documents attached to the email may be encrypted. If a Document is encrypted, you will need a password to access the Document, even after it is saved on your local hard drive. Not all Documents will be encrypted.

You may incur costs, including but not limited to, online time and other charges from your internet service provider, in accessing and/or viewing Documents.

By enrolling in the Program, you acknowledge that you have the minimum hardware and software requirements listed in this section.

Termination by Us

We may terminate the Program, your enrollment in the Program or the enrollment of any Policy or Billing Account in the Program at any time. If your enrollment, the enrollment of any Policy or Billing Account, or the Program itself is terminated, we will mail Documents.

Modification to Terms and Conditions

We may modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time, without your consent. When we do, we will provide you with the modified Terms and Conditions by Electronic Delivery. We will also post them at If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions at any time, you may withdraw consent for Electronic Delivery as set forth in these Terms and Conditions**.

Communications in Writing

All communications in either electronic or paper format from us to you will be considered "in writing." You should print or download for your records a copy of all Documents and these Terms and Conditions.

Paper Documents

You may request a paper copy of your Documents at any time at no additional charge by calling Travelers service representative at 1.800.842.5075.

Governing Law

Your consent to receive Documents electronically is a transaction affecting interstate commerce that is subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act and to state laws affecting electronic transactions. You and we both intend that these laws apply to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business with you by electronic means.

*The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property and casualty affiliates. In Florida, some automobile, homeowners and other property policies may be underwritten by First Floridian Auto and Home Insurance Company (First Floridian), a single-state subsidiary of The Travelers Indemnity Company, Insurance products provided by First Floridian are not underwritten or guaranteed by The Travelers Indemnity Company or its property and casualty affiliates. Some automobile insurance in Texas is offered through Travelers MGA, Inc. or Travelers Texas MGA, Inc. and underwritten by Consumers County Mutual Insurance Company (CCM). CCM is not a Travelers Company. Automobile policies delivered in Texas are delivered by Travelers MGA or Travelers Texas MGA on behalf of CCM. In Washington, insurance is underwritten by The Standard Fire Insurance Company, Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company, Travelers Commercial Insurance Company, Travelers Personal Insurance Company, The Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, The Travelers Indemnity Company of America and The Phoenix Insurance Company.

Refer to your policy declarations page for the name of your particular insurer.

**These eDelivery Terms and Conditions generally apply to policies issued by Travelers where delivery preferences can be managed by you online at Travelers may introduce a product or policy that cannot be managed at and/or that requires its own eDelivery Terms and Conditions and cannot be linked to other policies/billing accounts. In that case, if eDelivery is available, you will be presented with specific terms and conditions that apply to that policy or product.