6 Ocean Cargo Risks That Can Disrupt Supply Chains

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By Travelers
1 minutes

Know the risks

The annual global financial impact from cargo loss is $50 billion, proving that sometimes bad things can happen to good cargo.* Businesses with international shipments should know the risks to prevent costly supply chain disruptions. Some of these risks include:

  • Costly delays resulting from non-compliance of in-country/foreign insurance requirements
  • Getting fair and timely foreign claims settlements
  • Susceptibilities to cargo theft
  • Third party obtained insurance coverage that does not fit your unique needs

Understanding the risks that could threaten a supply chain is critical for a business that ships internationally.

Graphic of six ocean cargo risks.

6 Ocean Cargo Risks That Can Disrupt Supply Chains

Download the full Risk List infographic:


*UPS Capital

Graphic of a red factory with smoke exiting chimney with tall buildings in the background.

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