Prepare & Prevent
Distracted Driving: Phil's Unfinished Story [Video]
We honor Phil by bringing his unfinished story to life through imagining what could have been.
Tips to Check Tire Tread
Knowing how to check tire tread and when to replace old tires can help prevent issues on the road.

How to Help Prevent Water Damage
Get tips to help prevent water damage and protect your property.
For Drivers

Distracted Driving: Zaadii’s Unfinished Story [Tool]
Zaadii fights for environmental justice as a lawyer by day, and the superhero Z-Hawk by night. He’s a protector, always doing what’s right with the help of his friends, and the guidance of his ancestors. Read the full comic here.

Tips for Handling a Tire Blowout
How you handle a tire blowout can make a difference in preventing an accident. Learn tips for handling a tire blowout, tire blowout causes and more.

3-Second Rule for Safe Following Distance [Video]
Help prevent rear-end collisions by minding the distance between your car and others on the road.
Car Safety Technology
New car safety technology and features are helping to keep the road safer than ever.

Distracted Driving Statistics
Learn how much distracted driving puts you and others on the road at risk, with this infographic.

The Treehouse: Howard's Unfinished Story [Video]
Each day nine people are killed by distracted driving, leaving their stories unfinished. We honored Howard by bringing his Unfinished Story to life, through imagining what could have been. Watch, share and please don’t drive distracted.
For Households

8 Disaster Preparedness Tips
Disaster preparedness before a storm can help when a disaster is approaching. Learn how you can prepare for disaster.

5 Steps to Create a Home Inventory Checklist
Create a home inventory checklist to keep track of your important possessions in order to help verify loss for insurance and taxes.

Tips to Help Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Knowing how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning can help keep your family safe.