What to Expect During a Workers Compensation Claim for Employers

Workers Compensation Claim Process. Workplace Injury Occurs - Employee Seeks Medical Attention - Employer Reports To Travelers - Travelers Determines Coverage - Employee continues Treatment - Medically Appropriate Outcome

A workers compensation claim can be an unfamiliar process involving many parties and responsibilities. Here’s an overview of what you can expect during the claim process.

If your injured employee hasn’t yet been treated for their workplace injury, Travelers offers ConciergeCLAIM® Nurse clinics, where an in-person nurse is available to help coordinate care and Travelers PreferredSM medical providers to help them get the treatment they need as they begin their recovery journey. Travelers PreferredSM providers have demonstrated better outcomes when treating workplace injuries. To learn more, visit our Provider Search page.

File the claim and work with your Claim professional

After you’ve been notified of a workplace injury or illness, it is your responsibility to report an incident or file a claim with Travelers promptly. After an incident has been reported, a Travelers Claim professional may contact you to gather details about the incident and your injured employee.

Help your employees navigate the recovery process

If an injured employee has questions or concerns about their claim, you can direct them to MyTravelers® for Injured Employees. It gives your injured employee a single point of access to help them more conveniently communicate with their Claim professional and get relevant information as they move through the claim process. To find the name of the assigned Claim professional, check if a claim is still open or find billing information, search by the claim number and date of injury here.

Participate in your employee’s return-to-work plan
Your role in your injured employee’s recovery is important. You may be asked to provide an alternative work arrangement for an injured employee until they are able to return to their regular job. Check out our guide “Key Elements of a Return-to-Work Program” for more information.

Here are some resources you may need:

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