What is umbrella insurance?
Umbrella insurance coverage helps protect you from the costs of covered claims when those costs exceed the limits of your home, auto or boat insurance policies. An umbrella policy can help cover defense costs when you are being sued for damages to someone else’s property or injuries caused to others in an accident.
Understanding an umbrella policy
Text, What Is Umbrella Insurance?
An internet search.
Umbrella insurance, you might have heard of it, but what is it?
A graphic depicts a car in a frame.
Picture this. You're driving to work and you collide with another car.
A head-on crash. An ambulance and bandaged hand.
Unfortunately, all three passengers in the other car are injured.
a judge's gavel.
That can lead to pricey medical bills and possibly a judgment against you in court that your auto insurance limits might not fully cover.
Icons circle the figure of a woman.
That's one example of what umbrella insurance is for. It's an additional layer of protection for you in case you or a family member are responsible for property damage or personal injury to others.
An umbrella policy can provide $1 million or more of liability coverage over and above the limits of your auto, homeowner's, or other insurance. That can help protect your personal assets in the case of a covered loss.
The icons around the woman; a scale of justice, document, courthouse, car, home, gavel, car, boat, home, ring and currency.
So think about what you could lose without proper coverage. For more answers, go to travelers.com.
Logo, www travelers dot com. Text, The information in this video is general in nature. Any description of coverage is necessarily simplified. Whether a particular loss is covered depends on the specific facts and the provisions, exclusions, and limits of the actual policy. Nothing in this video alters the terms or conditions of any of our policies. You should read the policy for a complete description of coverage. Coverage options, limits discounts and deductibles are subject to state availability and to individuals meeting our underwriting criteria. Not all features available in all states. Insurance is underwritten by The Travelers Indemnity Company and its property causality affiliates, One Tower Square, Hartford CT. In CA: Umbrella Insurance is underwritten by Travelers Commercial Insurance Company, Certificate of Authority #6519, State of Domicile: CT and The Standard Fire Insurance Company, Certificate of Authority # 3545, State of Domicile: CT. In In TX: Umbrella Insurance is underwritten by Travelers Lloyds of Texas Insurance Company, Travelers Commercial Insurance Company, The Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company. WA: Umbrella Insurance is underwritten by The Standard Fire Insurance Company, The Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, The Travelers Indemnity Company of America, Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company, Travelers Commercial Insurance Company and Travelers Personal Insurance Company. All underwriting companies listed above are located at One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183.
Copyright 2022 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. Travelers and the Travelers Umbrella logo are registered trademark of The Indemnity Company in the U.S and other countries.
What does umbrella insurance cover?
Whether it’s a serious car accident involving extensive medical bills or an incident on your property, you may quickly find yourself responsible for damages that exceed the limits of your auto, homeowners or boat policies. That’s when having an umbrella insurance policy can provide coverage that goes beyond the limits of your primary coverage.
Travelers umbrella insurance can help provide coverage for:
$1 million to $10 million of liability, which can help protect assets such as your home, car and boat.
Claims like libel, slander, defamation of character and invasion of privacy.
Legal defense costs like attorney fees and other charges associated with lawsuits.
Liabilities that happen outside the United States.
A Travelers umbrella insurance policy is a valuable addition to any auto, homeowners or other policy for extended personal liability protection.
In today’s world, anyone can face a lawsuit, even if you’ve done nothing wrong. That’s why it’s more important than ever to consider adding an umbrella policy as an extra layer of protection for your assets – and your peace of mind.
What is not covered by an umbrella policy?
Generally, damage to your own personal property is not covered under a personal umbrella policy.
Other examples of coverage not included in a typical umbrella policy are:
Business losses. Damage to your business property or losses related to the running of your business generally would not be covered by a personal umbrella policy. This exclusion applies even if your business is operated out of your home. Consider purchasing business insurance if you need this type of coverage.
Intentional acts. A personal umbrella policy isn’t designed to protect you from liability connected with your own intentionally harmful behavior; for example, if you intentionally harm a visitor to your home.
Umbrella policies are typically very affordable and can be a great way to help protect yourself against the potentially devastating costs of major claims that exceed the limits of your primary home and auto policies.
Contact a Travelers licensed insurance representative or find a local independent agent to learn more about personal umbrella policies and whether this additional coverage makes sense for you.
Home insurance
Protect your home the way it protects you by choosing the property insurance coverage that meets your needs.

Car insurance
Get protection that can give you peace of mind when you're on the road.