Are You a Savvy Agent?

Travelers red umbrella.
By Travelers
2 minutes

Cities, towns and counties can be an excellent revenue source for your agency. Test your knowledge and get started writing public entity business.

An illustration of a booklet with the cover of the savvy agent's guide to cities and counties

The Savvy Agent’s Guide to Cities and Counties

Learn how to successfully serve cities and counties, the ins and outs of the insurance purchasing process and how to establish yourself with key players.

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Cities and Counties: A Great Opportunity for Agents

Many insurance agents may be aware of the opportunities with cities and counties, but they hesitate to pursue them. In this guide, you'll find insights to help get you started working with municipalities.

City landscape and park.

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Ten Reasons You Owe it to Yourself to Get Appointed with Travelers

Here are 10 great reasons some of the most successful independent agents choose Travelers.

Travelers agent walking with their customer down hallway

Related Resources

Map Your Land of Opportunity with Cities and Counties

Cities and counties do have unique exposures, but they can be a profitable way to diversify your book of business. View the infographic to learn more.

savvy agent guide map.